Our Services

Business Resources

Let us help your small business dreams come true! Email ccfcinfo@community-concepts.org or call us at 207-333-6419 to get started.

Whether looking to start, expand, or acquire a business, our team of Business Technical Assistant Advisors will help you with training, counseling and troubleshooting through the life of the loan.

Contact us to get started today!


We are a leading financial resource for Maine businesses.

Contact us today to apply for a Small Business Loan. Our Business Advisors work one-on-one with individuals looking to start a new business, expand their current business, or acquire an existing business to determine their specific needs. Every loan client gets access to Technical Assistance provided free of charge. We will help you develop and refine your business plan or existing operations with the end goal of making you traditionally bankable.

CCFC has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as the Top Performing Microlender in the state of Maine for the past 3 years!

If you’ve been denied a loan, please contact us to learn how we can help!

Phone: 207-333-6419

Email: info@community-concepts.org

Meet Our Business Advisors


Business Advisor

Paul Beaudette

Business Resources

Personal Credit History
As a small business owner, your personal credit and handling of checking accounts and loans affects your ability to borrow for the business and your terms with vendors. Know what is on your personal credit report by ordering a free credit report through Annual Credit Report.
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Build and maintain Supports, Networks and Resources
Explore opportunities to connect within networks in your industry, local chambers and workshops. The State of Maine also offers a great “Business Answers Program” to aid you in feeling connected to resources during your business journey.
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Set up an Accounting and Record Keeping System
Good records will help you monitor the progress of your business, prepare your financial statements, identify sources of income, keep track of deductible expenses, keep track of your assets and liabilities, prepare your tax returns, and support items reported on you tax returns.
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Obtain Business Licenses and Permits (Federal and State)
General licenses to operate a business are managed at the town/city level in Maine. Federally regulated industries will have additional requirements.
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Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN. It is helpful to establish an EIN prior to starting a business bank account.
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Use your Business Plan as a Living/Working Document
Maintain, update and revise your business plan on a routine basis. As operations, procedures, goals and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) change, refer to and adjust your business plan.
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Selecting a Business Name
If you plan to form your business entity as a corporation or limited liability company, Maine’s law will restrict you from using a name that another business entity is already using. Use the data base to see if a business is already using your name.
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See an Accountant for Tax Help
You may be responsible for Sales Tax, Self-Employment Tax, Excise Tax, Income Tax and more. It is recommended you consult a tax representative or accountant in the early stages of starting your business. Here is a helpful video on small business taxes to get you started.
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Selecting a Business Structure
Legal, liability and tax considerations enter into selecting a business structure. The most common forms of business are the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and S corporation. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure allowed by state statute.
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“Great group of people that are there to help your small business with many needs. After the process of purchasing our new property for our store they continue to be there for resources and referrals to other companies that may help you with needs. Any questions you may have in running your business they are a great place to start!”

- Pat Pain

“The pandemic posed an existential threat to Tilbury House Publishers. Stores, libraries, schools—all the places that distribute children’s books—shut down in April 2020, and the bottom dropped out of our sales. We obtained a Paycheck Protection loan but knew it wasn’t enough. Then we learned of SBA-backed Covid relief loans available through CCFC, and we applied. CCFC helped us through the process, and the $50,000 loan not only helped us pay our bills but gave us optimism to keep going. We survived, and 2021 is shaping up to be our best year ever. I’m a big believer in CCFC’s mission.”

- Jonathan Eaton Co-Publisher, Tilbury House Publishers

“We started our small business journey planning three years ago,during that process and still today, CCFC has been there every step of the way to offer us their guidance, advice, assistance, and support.”

- Tim and Bobbi Nugent, owners of Little Brick Pub in Mechanic Falls

“Our experience with Community Concepts Finance Corporation has been remarkable! When we first met, our business was growing fast, and we wanted to connect with an organization who understood business and finance. Their support has been tremendous. In the year and a half since we started working with Community Concepts, we have grown out of 2 rental spaces and are on track to buy our own space. Community Concepts Finance Corp has a terrific team of personable, knowledgeable people who genuinely want to help businesses thrive.”

- Ethan & Teresa Houle, Owners of 207 Small Engine Repair in Arundel

How can we help you?

Questions? Need to talk to us? You can reach us via our contact form – we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!