Let us help your small business dreams come true! Email ccfcinfo@community-concepts.org or call us at 207-333-6419 to get started.
Whether looking to start, expand, or acquire a business, our team of Business Technical Assistant Advisors will help you with training, counseling and troubleshooting through the life of the loan.
Contact us to get started today!
We are a leading financial resource for Maine businesses.
Contact us today to apply for a Small Business Loan. Our Business Advisors work one-on-one with individuals looking to start a new business, expand their current business, or acquire an existing business to determine their specific needs. Every loan client gets access to Technical Assistance provided free of charge. We will help you develop and refine your business plan or existing operations with the end goal of making you traditionally bankable.
CCFC has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as the Top Performing Microlender in the state of Maine for the past 3 years!
If you’ve been denied a loan, please contact us to learn how we can help!
Phone: 207-333-6419
Email: info@community-concepts.org